INNER PORTRAITS are intuitive drawings that I create in service to you and your inner life. It's the polar opposite of a caricature experience, where the focus is your outer appearance and superficial characteristics. I prefer to just be present with you, with little to no talking. During the drawing session, you're invited to rest comfortably, doodle with crayons, meditate, or simply do nothing.
I generally use the Touch Drawing process to create the art, and I learned about “inner portraits” while assisting at a Touch Drawing workshop with its originator, artist Deborah Koff-Chapin.
Specifically because I'm not interviewing or analyzing you, the magic of creative flow becomes much more pronounced once we finally view and talk about the drawings together. The images are intended to spark your own creativity, insights, intuition, wisdom, and ideas about your own self and life. The conversation is about what you see, feel, imagine, and notice in the drawings and how they might connect with broad or specific aspects of your past, present, or future.
I don't interpret anything for you. In fact, there's no requirement that you instantly "interpret" your Inner Portrait either, if that feels too linear and analytical. You may just enjoy welcoming, receiving, and living with the art at home -- noticing what the images might say to you, over time.
I did my first bunch of them in 2008. I can't explain how or why they work, but I do know this: The art that gets created during your session simply would not exist if you hadn't chosen to be with me (in person or remotely) for an Inner Portraits session that day.